
Naturally Resolve Acute or Chronic Conditions

Acupuncture is part of an ancient, rich, varied, and astoundingly effective healing tradition. Its scope ranges from the nature-based practices of Five Element Acupuncture to modern techniques that spring from current scientific research.

Acupuncture is just as beneficial for people who have recently sustained an injury or had an acute sickness as it is for people who have struggled with a chronic illness for years. There are 3 main categories of conditions that we have the most success treating at Guiding Spirit Acupuncture:

Ongoing or unresolved pain

Anxiety, depression, sleep, and stress

Digestive issues, hormonal changes, and other internal medicine conditions

Relieve Specific or Vague Complaints

At Guiding Spirit Acupuncture, Susan draws from acupuncture’s varied tradition and builds upon that with her unique experience, skills, and tools. She will craft a custom healing path for you—based on your health concerns, personality, preferences, and goals for life and healing.

For example, if you come in with a focused concern about knee pain, she can directly address that pain with the most advanced techniques available.

On the other hand, if you come in with a similar knee pain but also have background issues of stress, insomnia, digestive problems, or overwhelm, the approach will be somewhat different. Susan will work with you on a more comprehensive plan to address the issues that are grinding away at you, your knees, and your joy of living.

Wherever you want to engage on your path to healing, we can design and work a treatment plan that’s perfect just for you!

Acupuncture Treatments at Guiding Spirit

5-Element Acupuncture

The traditional framework of Five Element Acupuncture views the body as a whole garden to be cultivated rather than a machine with parts to be fixed. This traditional view forms the foundation of Susan’s practice. The holistic nature of Five Element Acupuncture aims to help you become more harmonious on all levels.

Motor Point Acupuncture

Motor point acupuncture works by resetting inhibited muscles that have become dysfunctional due to injury, misaligned posture, or repetitive use. By encouraging these muscles to “spring back to life,” motor point acupuncture can have a profound effect on pain, including pain that was thought to originate in the joints or nervous system.


Electroacupuncture works by applying specific frequencies to acupuncture points as a way to stimulate natural pain-relieving chemicals and other neurotransmitters in the body. Susan has considerable training and experience with these advanced and technical methods—a specific set of training and experience that is uncommon in this area.

Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture

What is an acupuncture treatment session like?

Unlike many medical treatments that create stress and anxiety, acupuncture will typically leave you feeling relaxed and energized.

During your first session, which will last about an hour and a half, you’ll spend about 30 to 45 minutes going over your health history and concerns with Susan. You’ll then climb on a comfortable table for a brief physical exam, including an examination of the tongue and pulses. Then you’ll enjoy your first acupuncture treatment!

Once the needles are removed, many people feel relaxed and energized. You might experience immediate relief from some of your symptoms—especially pain—while you may also see the benefits of treatment unfold over time.

What can I expect over time?

Most patients come in 1-3 times a week for the first few months. It’s best to come in for your next appointment before the benefits of the previous treatment wear off. This keeps your symptoms at bay and keeps your body on a healing trajectory.
As you progress through treatment, you’ll move through the phases of rescue care, stabilization care, and support care. Over time, your body will hold the effects of treatment for longer, and you’ll be able to come in less and less frequently.
Many patients transition to coming in for occasional tune-ups when they feel the need to rebalance. The change of the seasons is a difficult time for many people, so that’s a common time to come in to relieve stress or get symptoms back in check. At Guiding Spirit, we’re here for you when you need us!

Is acupuncture covered by insurance?

Acupuncture treatments are covered by many health insurance policies. We will check with your insurance as to whether and to what extent your treatments may be covered. Then we’ll submit directly to insurance for payment. You’ll just be responsible for deductibles, copays and/or coinsurance. Of course, as with any medical professional, if your insurance company declines to pay, you’ll be responsible for charges. Depending on your plan, HSAs may also be used for acupuncture services.

If you do not use insurance or have used all of your allowed visits for the year, you’ll pay our time-of-service rates as follows:

Acupuncture Intake: $160
Acupuncture Follow-Up: $95

It’s Easy to Get Started

Just call us at (301) 717-8204.


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Please allow 90 minutes for your first appointment